Inspiration Strikes at Random

While waiting for a web page to load, I glanced over at this shelf of fabrics.

I suddenly noticed that a recently purchased dull orange fabric was a perfect match to the orange in this aqua-blueish floral print fabric.
Now I just need to find an aqua fabric and I will have the beginnings of a new project.
I found this one, which may be a tad too bright. I will have to look around this weekend to see what I can come up with.

I will probably end up fussy cutting those flowers. At the moment I have no clue as to what will become of these fabrics. I am just jotting down my inspiration fabrics so that I don't forget about them.


I love the color combo! Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Heather said…
oh my gosh, I love that orange print. Is it a new one? who makes it?